Sonntag, 25. Januar 2015

Spruch des Tages - Häuptling Seattle

Häuptling Seattle:
"Was ist der Mensch ohne die Tiere?
Wenn es keine Tiere mehr gäbe,
würden die Menschen bald an großer
Einsamkeit des Herzens sterben.
Was immer den Tieren geschieht,
geschieht bald auch den Menschen.
Alle Dinge sind miteinander verbunden."

Covered in tar & unable to move, this amazing rescue saved this dog's life!

He had fallen into a pool of hot tar that smothered his body and had became rock-solid. He was stuck to the ground and unable to move. A passerby saw him struggling and called our help-line. After 3 hours of massaging vegetable oil into the thick layer of tar watch his amazing recovery!